Monday, September 16, 2013

Introduction of some Electronics Parts.

An electronic circuit board

An electronic circuit board can contains millions of transistors and many other tiny electronic parts. But what are these parts and what do they do? Take a close look at what goes inside electronics and learn the function of each component.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

What is sawtooth?

An alternating or pulsating wave of current or voltage that is

What is SAVOR? - [SAVOR Stands for?]

Abbreviation of SIGNAL-ACTUATED

What is saturation voltage?

saturation voltage 
The (usually direct-current output) voltage appearing across a

What is saturation value?

saturation value 
1. In a transistor, field-effect transistor, or vacuum tube, the lowest

What is saturation switching?

saturation switching 
The on/off switching operation in which a transistor is in its

What is saturation resistance?

saturation resistance 
The voltage-to-current ratio for a saturated

What is saturation point?saturation point

saturation point 
On a voltage-current conduction curve, the point beyond which a

What is saturation limiting?

saturation limiting 
Output peak clipping that occurs when a transistor or vacuum tube

What is saturation induction?

saturation induction 
For a magnetic material, the maximum

What is saturation flux?

saturation flux 
1. The magnetic flux density that will saturate a given sample of

What is saturation current?

saturation current 
In a device, the current flowing at and beyond

Saturday, September 7, 2013

What is saturation?

1. See SATURATION POINT. 2. The state of purity of a color. In

What is saturated solution?

saturated solution 
A solution, such as an electrolyte, that contains all of the solute that

What is saturated operation?

saturated operation 
1. The operation of a magnetic core at or beyond its saturation point

What is saturated logic?

saturated logic 
Any form of digital-logic circuit in which the transistors are either

What is saturated color?

saturated color 
A visible color whose energy is concentrated at a single wavelength

What is saturable transformer?

saturable transformer 
A transformer having a saturable core that permits automatic

What is saturable reactor?

saturable reactor 
An inductor consisting essentially of a coil wound on a core of

What is saturable-core magnetometer?

saturable-core magnetometer 
A MAGNETOMETER in which the sensor is a saturable magnetic

What is saturable capacitor?

saturable capacitor 
A voltage-variable ceramic or semiconductor capacitor in which

What is term satisfy?

To make a statement of inequality or an equation true (e.g., x = 2

What is satellite television?

satellite television 
The broadcasting and reception of television (TV) signals via earth-

What is satellite processor?

satellite processor 
1. In a computer, a microprocessor that is subsidiary to the central

What is satellite communication?

satellite communication 
Communication via one or more satellite transponders. Usually both

What is satellite?

An artificial object sent into orbit around the earth or another

What is satd?

Abbreviation of saturated.

What is sat?

1. Abbreviation of saturate. 2. Abbreviation ofSATURATION.

What is sapphire stylus?

sapphire stylus 
A jewel-tipped stylus for disc recording and

What is sand load?

sand load 
A microwave power dissipator in which the absorptive

What is sampling rate?

sampling rate 
The frequency with which samples are taken

What is sampling?

1. Observation of a signal at various points in a circuit, without

What is sample space?

sample space 
In statistics, the set of events, numbers, or other items

What is sample size?

sample size 
In statistics, the number of items in the sample space

What is sampler?

In audio systems, a device that digitizes and stores

What is sampled data system?

sampled data system 
A system that can be either analog or digital, and that

What is sample and hold method?

sample and hold 
A method of storing a variable signal for

What is sample?

1. A selection of quantities, events, or objects, taken at a specific

What is samarium?

Symbol, Sm. A metallic element of the rare-earth

What is salt-spray test?

salt-spray test 
A test to assess the life and performance of electronic equipment in a marine environment.

What is Salisbury chamber

Salisbury chamber 
A radio-frequency test chamber in which the walls are non-

What is salient pole?

salient pole 
A pole, such as the pole piece of a motor or generator, that projects

What is sal ammoniac?

sal ammoniac 
Formula, NH4Cl. Ammonium chloride,the principal ingredient in the

What is safety ground?

safety ground
A connection made between equipment (usually the metal chassis,

what is safety factor?

safety factor
A figure denoting the extent of overload that a device can

Define safe noise level.

safe noise level
A level of acoustic intensity equal to 85 dB above the threshold of

SAE Stands for?

1. Abbreviation of SHAFT-ANGLE ENCODER.

SADT stands for?

Abbreviation of surface alloy diffused

What is sabin?

A unit of sound absorption; 1 sabin represents a surface that can

What is SA band?

SA band 
A section of the S band, extending from

SA Stands for?

Abbreviation of SUBJECT TO

Meanings of Symbol "S" or "s"

1. Symbol for SCREEN GRID of a vacuum tube.2. Symbol for SHELL

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Few words about Datasheet.

Datasheets are indispensable, but they have limitations. Some are detailed; others are skimpy. Some show you sample schematics as a guide to using a component; many dont. None of them tells you much about how a component works, because thats not their purpose. Often they don’t mention other components that must be added. Some datasheets for DC-DC converters, for instance, say nothing at all about bypass capacitors,